Washington State: What to Expect in Child Custody Court

Child Custody Court

Child custody court can be long and unpredictable. Not to worry, though. The Law Office of Erin Bradley McAleer is here with a full breakdown of what happens. That means clearer expectations and less frustration along the way.

Child Custody Court Hearings: What to Expect 

Consulting an attorney is one of the best ways to approach the child custody process. If you and your child’s other parent agree on a parenting plan, you may avoid court altogether. 

Otherwise, here is what to expect in child custody court: 

#1: The General Steps

If you and your former partner are at odds about the parenting plan, you will need to schedule a hearing. What happens at the first custody hearing? The judge will review your case and take all actions to ensure the parenting plan is best for the child (e.g., requesting a parenting assessment). The judge may also mandate a parenting class. 

Next is the discovery process to get ready for trial. This allows both parties to ask and respond to questions related to your case, living arrangements, financial position, and ability to care for your child.  

Finally, it is time for trial. Most child custody cases avoid this step by settling beforehand. If you make it this far, it is crucial to work with your attorney, respond in a timely manner, and show up to trial early and prepared to ensure your case has the best outcome. 

The judge may approve the parenting plan by the end of trial. They may also require additional steps before granting custody. Keep in mind that you can modify the custody agreement at any point. (Speak to one of our attorneys if you need assistance with this.)

#2: Questions Asked in Court for Child Custody

The judge’s goal is to place children with the parent who can provide the best, most stable living environment. They may inquire about your finances, other children, and specifics of your preferred parenting plan.

Prepare for a variety of questions, including: 

  • What is your income?
  • Do you have any debts?
  • How many children do you have?
  • How do you communicate now regarding your children? 
  • How do you plan to stay in touch with the other parent? 
  • Why do you think your preferred parenting plan is best for your child? 

Key Takeaway

There are child custody cases where the father wins, and the same goes for the mother. The key is to know what to expect in child custody court (and retain a great lawyer who is available at all times to answer questions throughout the process). 

Agreeing on a parenting plan can save you time when filing for child custody. However, things can change without notice, so it is best to prepare for child custody court and trial just in case. 

Do you need a good attorney to help secure custody of your child? The Law Office of Erin Bradley McAleer knows all of the steps to take. Book a free consultation today to go over your case. 


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