When You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney

Life throws curveballs sometimes, and a criminal charge is one of them. Fortunately, there is one person who can help: a qualified criminal defense attorney.

When to Get a Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal charges in Washington State can take an enormous toll on your life. They can affect your job prospects, family, and future. That is why it is vital to have a criminal defense attorney on your side.

Here are some situations that warrant a call to your lawyer:

1: You were caught drinking and driving.

Even first DUIs come with significant repercussions that can stay with you forever. In Washington State, you will be incarcerated for a minimum of one full day and have your license removed for three months or more. (And that is just the beginning.) The penalties may vary depending on your blood alcohol percentage, cooperation, prior crimes, and other factors.

2: You were charged with possession or delivery.

Prison time and fines are both common consequences of drug charges. You will need an attorney to deep dive into your case and evaluate the evidence against you. That will help them determine if there is any way to lower your charges or make a deal with the prosecution.

3: A family member has accused you of domestic violence.

These charges can include assault, criminal harassment, cyberstalking, malicious mischief, or violation of a restraining order. Domestic violence charges can lead to a felony in some situations. Working with an attorney is not only helpful for this type of criminal defense case, but it is also essential.

4: You violated a no-contact order.

Most domestic violence charges result in at least a temporary no-contact order. Going against this order can lead to a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the circumstances. Jail time is inevitable.

Please Note: You can also petition to lift the no-contact order with a criminal defense attorney’s help. Call our law office if you need a hand.

5: You were accused of auto theft.

Washington treats this charge as a class B felony. That means you may face a decade in prison and need to pay as much as $20,000. Getting a lawyer is critical to try to dismiss or reduce the charges.

Key Takeaway

Criminal defense attorney fees can add up, but the cost is worth it when you retain the right legal counsel. A great criminal defense attorney will do everything in their power to try to get the charges dropped or lowered. Not only can this help you avoid fines, but it can also keep you out of jail.

So, if you ever face criminal charges, remember that your first call should be to your lawyer. It can help you get a plan in place and protect both your interests and reputation.

Find a few of the top criminal defense attorneys near you at the Law Office of Erin Bradley McAleer, located in Vancouver, WA. Setting up an appointment is easy. Simply call our office now to book your free consultation.


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