
Washington State: What to Expect in Child Custody Court

Child custody court can be long and unpredictable. Not to worry, though. The Law Office of Erin Bradley McAleer is here with a full breakdown of what happens. That means clearer expectations and less frustration along the way. Child Custody Court Hearings: What to Expect  Consulting an attorney is one of the best ways to approach the child custody process. If you and your child’s other parent agree on a parenting plan , you may avoid court altogether.  Otherwise, here is what to expect in child custody court:  #1: The General Steps If you and your former partner are at odds about the parenting plan, you will need to schedule a hearing. What happens at the first custody hearing? The judge will review your case and take all actions to ensure the parenting plan is best for the child (e.g., requesting a parenting assessment). The judge may also mandate a parenting class.  Next is the discovery process to get ready for trial. This allows both parties to ask and respond to q

When You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney

Life throws curveballs sometimes, and a criminal charge is one of them. Fortunately, there is one person who can help: a qualified criminal defense attorney. When to Get a Criminal Defense Attorney Criminal charges in Washington State can take an enormous toll on your life. They can affect your job prospects, family, and future. That is why it is vital to have a criminal defense attorney on your side. Here are some situations that warrant a call to your lawyer: 1: You were caught drinking and driving. Even first DUIs come with significant repercussions that can stay with you forever. In Washington State, you will be incarcerated for a minimum of one full day and have your license removed for three months or more. (And that is just the beginning.) The penalties may vary depending on your blood alcohol percentage, cooperation, prior crimes, and other factors. 2: You were charged with possession or delivery. Prison time and fines are both common consequences of drug charges. You w

The Negative Effects of Domestic Violence

A domestic violence (DV) change is not merely a DV charge. Unlike many other crimes, a DV charge has other secondary consequences Discussed below are a few ways that a DV charge can negatively impact your life beyond merely the charge itself: Professional Licenses First, when charged with a DV crime and subsequently convicted, your professional license may be at risk. There are a number of different types of sanctions that you may face, up to and including revocation of your professional license. These sanctions include required treatment, suspension of your license, or other such sanctions. Typically, those in healthcare should be especially concerned as they are more at risk than professional license holders outside of the healthcare industry. The severity of the disciplinary sanctions will depend on a number of factors. First, how severe was the immediate charge in question? Was it just verbal, mutual shoving, punching, or strangulation? Second, is there a pattern of do